16-bit Assembler Simulator

A web-based simulator of a 16-bit CPU. This project has been developed for educational purposes to support the teaching of the Operating Systems course of the Degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Alcalá.

The simulator has the following features:

  • A 16-bit big-endian CPU.
  • Two modes of operation: supervisor & user. Each mode of operation has its own SP register.
  • 4 general purpose registers, which can be accessed in word or byte modes.
  • 1024 bytes of memory.
  • A Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
  • 16-bit input/output address map which can be accessed using IN/OUT instructions.
  • An interrupt controller that supports up to 16 interrupt sources.
  • A programmable 16-bit timer.
  • Three input/output devices: * Visual display with a resolution of 16x16. * Textual display of 16 characters. * 10-keys numeric keypad.
  • Inline memory editing.
  • Execution breakpoints.